Strapping stuff to our bikes and going camping is how Outer Shell started! And there are so many ways to do it. If you have racks or fork mounts, you can fit larger bags like Pico Panniers, and a Basket Bag or Rack Bag. If not, don’t worry! You can take ANY bike camping. You’ll just need to pack your belongings into several smaller areas. A Seatpack and Handlebar Harness will be good for light large volume items (sleeping bag, tent, and clothes). Heavier items should go towards the center, in a Frame Bag. And for quick access, add a Top Tube Bag, one or two Stem Caddys and a Drawcord Handlebar Bag or Mini Bar Bag (note: these last two can attach on top of the harness to make one integrated handlebar system). Lastly, round out the setup with a Hip Slinger for off-bike essentials.